Vineyard grapes

This is the first season any grapes from the vineyard can be picked, so it's a welcome sight to see the golden orbs appearing as shown in this image (click to enlarge). It'll make a change to have a proper wine brewing... there's two demijohns of rhubarb wine in the study at home, nestling beside the latest experiment of what I hope will be a cheeky little number... a banana wine, fermenting in the tub. Of course that assumes I can wrestle a few grapes from son in law to be Barry's grasp. They're his vines, but hopefully he won't be counting how many grapes he's got!
At last beginning to get the plot under control after a couple of weeks of despair. Seems as though I left the plot one evening reasonably tidy, to return the next evening with weeds on the ramage. Extra sessions in the form of early morning (and I mean early morning... 06:30) visits have helped me catch up. Beautiful weather over the bank holiday weekend have helped the early rise. Suppose it shouldn't be a surprise the weeds are growing so quickly this time of the year... all my seed sowings are going well too. Just have to remember to be extra vigilant at hoeing this time next year.
Started decorating the hall at home yesterday with a first coat of white emulsion on the ceiling. Actually, that wasn't the first decorating activity... decided a new bit of equipment was required to spur me on so went out and bought one of those contortionist ladders that's the answer to all your problems when looking up the local version of the north face of the Eiger in the form of our stairwell. Spent thirty minutes putting the bolts on the wrong way, another forty minutes to take bolts off and place back correctly. So decorating count so far is...
- Fiddling about to avoid starting the job, three hours
- Actually doing the job, four hours
That's about as much as I can get away with and avoid disapproving looks.

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